Important Updates

Corresponding authors of accepted full papers, please:

(1) upload the final pdf version of the paper as an updated file in the original submission site,

(2) complete and sign the copyright form available at,

(3) email all source files (including word document, image files, references as bbl files), final pdf file and the completed and signed copyright file to [email protected] with the following subject “DESRIST 2019 Full Paper # - Final submission files”. Springer requires all source files for the production of proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Full Papers (will be published in conference proceedings - 15 pages)
    • Submissions due: February 10, 2019 - CLOSED!
    • Notifications by: March 10, 2019
    • Camera ready submissions due: March 22, 2019
  • Prototypes and Products (2-page extended abstract)
    • Submissions due: March 15, 2019 - CLOSED!
    • Notifications by: March 29, 2019
  • Panel Proposals
    • Submissions due: March 8, 2019 - CLOSED!
    • Notifications by: March 29, 2019
  • Late-breaking work (2-page extended abstract)
    • Submissions due: March 15, 2019 - CLOSED!
    • Notifications by: March 29, 2019
  • Doctoral Consortium Applications (more info)
    • Submissions: March 12, 2019 - CLOSED!
    • Notifications: April 16, 2019
  • Workshop and Tutorial Proposals - CLOSED!
    • Submissions due: February 1, 2019
    • Notification: February 15, 2019

Only full paper submissions will be published in Springer LNCS. For all the accepted submission, at least one author has to register for the conference before April 1st, 2019.

Full Papers

Submissions should be formatted following the Springer LNCS guidelines, using the Microsoft Word template. The submission via EasyChair should be in the PDF format (file extension .pdf).

The page limit for full research papers is 15 pages, which include all related pages (including first page, references, etc.). All full paper submissions must be anonymized for double-blind review and must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines.

Prototypes and Products

These submissions showcase implementations of innovative artifacts (i.e., constructs, models, methods, systems). The track provides an opportunity to demonstrate and discuss emerging artifacts with researchers and practitioners. Submissions should comprise the following sections in no more than 2 pages:

  • Introduction
  • Design of the artifact (e.g., problem statement, use cases, intended user groups, list of features)
  • Significance to research (e.g., innovativeness of the artifact)
  • Significance to practice (e.g., usefulness of the artifact)
  • Evaluation of the artifact (e.g., in laboratory or field settings)
  • If available, a link to an implementation or demo of the artifact

The presentation of the prototype and product demo submissions will involve:

  • A 2 minutes elevator pitch in front of the DESRIST audience with a 1-slide PowerPoint
  • Prototype demonstration, e.g. on your laptop, and a poster.

We will provide you with a poster stand in the conference venue. You need to bring your own poster and laptop.

Panel Proposals

Panel sessions bring together researchers and/or practitioners with complementary or conflicting perspectives on a research topic or another issue of importance to the field of Design Science Research. Submitted proposals should include:

  1. Introduction: General description of the panel or issues to be discussed or debated.
  2. Controversial Issues and Panelists’ Positions: Issues that will be discussed and the names of those who will take opposing viewpoints.
  3. Panel Structure: Description of timing of the session and the format of interaction among participants and with the audience.
  4. Participation Statement: A statement that all participants have made a commitment to attend the conference and serve on the panel if the panel is accepted.
  5. Biographies: A brief description of each participant’s background, including expertise related to the topic and views of the issues.
  6. References.

You can submit your proposals via email to [email protected], please include DESRIST Panel Proposal in your email subject line.

Late Breaking Work

These submissions showcase work in progress and provides authors an opportunity to discuss their work with others and get feedback in early stages. Submissions should be in the form of an extended abstract and should not exceed 2 pages including all sections. Submissions should be formatted following the Springer LNCS guidelines, using the Microsoft Word template. The submission via EasyChair should be in the PDF format (file extension .pdf).

Doctoral Consortium

Details of the Doctoral Consortium can be found here.

Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

DESRIST 2019 is accepting workshop (a collaborative activity designed to advance thinking and discover new insights) and tutorial (a brief overview of the subject matter with hands-on activities) submissions. Proposals should be in PDF format and should include:

  1. Title of your event - Indicate if you are proposing a tutorial or workshop in your title
  2. Leaders of the event - You can list all speakers but at least one person should be dedicated as the primary contact
  3. Goals for your event - learning objectives, outputs, etc.
  4. A brief description of the event
  5. A proposed agenda (half day or full day)

You can submit your proposals via email to [email protected], please include DESRIST WT Proposal in your email subject line.

Please contact the program chairs ([email protected]) if you have any questions about submissions.