Important Dates

  • Workshop and Tutorial Proposals
    • Submissions due: February 1, 2019
    • Notification: February 15, 2019

DESRIST 2019 is accepting workshop (a collaborative activity designed to advance thinking and discover new insights) and tutorial (a brief overview of the subject matter with hands-on activities) submissions. Proposals should be in PDF format and should include:

  1. Title of your event – Indicate if you are proposing a tutorial or workshop in your title
  2. Leaders of the event – You can list all speakers but at least one person should be dedicated as the primary contact
  3. Goals for your event – learning objectives, outputs, etc.
  4. A brief description of the event
  5. A proposed agenda (half day or full day)

You can submit your proposals via email to, please include DESRIST WT Proposal in your email subject line.